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What is Focus in life?

We take birth as raw as it can be i.e., no emotional definitions, no knowlegde about the world, no attachment, no expectations, no dreams, no sense of achievement, no understanding of people, no self consciousness, etc, and so on. Since day one, a human starts to learn rapidly and definining each object and feelings in our own sense. Over the period, humans go into institutions to learn or acquire education on everything in this world and aticates to behave in social and personal environment. And a day comes at different ages, where a sense of speaking and experssing starts, this day marks an understanding about everything we did not had at birth. Focus is simply an exercise to be able to shift all our energies and consciousness to one thing at a time that we need the most to survive this life. So, Focus is when do not overthink.  A simple exercise to focus is writing  1. What is the problems? 2. What are the facts, What is reality? 3. What are the probable solutions? 4. What is the be
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Technique of Decision making for Focus Improvement.

Nature is the best source for simplest form for us to see and decide what individually, similarly every individual is a complete in itself, all emotions are chemical reactions within your body and mind has the power to align it as you need. Needs gives birth to thought, thoughts give birth to decisions, Decision is yours wether you want to live in Past or Furture or in Present. Relationships of this body is for you live with them and experience these 80-90 years of Human consciousness with joy every day, believing on positives, medidate to send your energy singals in this quantum and be the creator of your life your people. Someone defined Insanity very simply i.e., "doing the same things everyday and expecting different results". 

A Day that taught some extra

 All my life till date, I have been trying to keep myself motivated that no matter how much time it takes but someday will surely come when my people will love me the way i am i.e. with all my pros and cons. There is nothing much i have in terms of cons i.e. just that i am short tempered on things and mistakes that my people repeat over and over again which is something they should do as the part of self improvement and self health precaution and i have always raised the concern to them but no positive signs to understanding. This is the same with a person who lives with me and i love her and i know it. Despite many hurdles, self pity, bluffs and misunderstandings, i never gave importance to my feelings, aptitude, emotions and pain. Always tried understanding the scenarios, thought of everyone around me. I made myself available for everyone very easily basis the humanitarian ground but today once again i realized and felt it again that there is no humanitarian ground.  If you give resp

Steve is taking a bus to the Central Park. Steve tells Alice the hour of his bus departure and he tells

Steve is taking a bus to the Central Park. Steve tells Alice the hour of his bus departure and he tells Annie at which minute it leaves. He also tells them both that the bus leaves between 0600 and 1000. Alice & Annie consult the timetable and find the following services between those two time: 0632 0643 0650 0717 0746 0819 0832 0917 0919 0950. Alice then says “I don’t know when Steve’s bus leaves but I am sure that neither does Annie” Annie Replies “I didn’t know his bus, but now i do” Alice responds “Now I do as well!” When is Steve’s bus?

COVID19 vs INFLUENZA - Some interesting facts - Myth for COVID19

Below information is traced from world health organization (WHO). This needs your serious attention as it will break many myths and psychological dilemma about COVID19. It does not need our fear however only requires precautions as it is somewhat similar to flu. As the COVID-19 outbreak continues to evolve, comparisons have been drawn to influenza. Both cause respiratory disease, yet there are important differences between the two viruses and how they spread. This has important implications for the public health measures that can be implemented to respond to each virus. How are COVID-19 and influenza viruses similar? Firstly, COVID-19 and influenza viruses have a similar disease presentation. That is, they both cause respiratory disease, which presents as a wide range of illness from asymptomatic or mild through to severe disease and death. Secondly, both viruses are transmitted by contact, droplets and fomites. As a result, the same public health measures, such a

All you need to know about COVID19 or Coronavirus and other respiratory viruses

To be precise, I am directly coming to the point. Mentioned below are symptoms of COVID19 as per two public agencies however I need you to know some facts on logical and scientific footprints, impact and data available. For your knowledge below is some data for your kind attention. Cases and death due to viral diseases. Corona is not life taking disease. it only need precautions. Swine Flu Virus - H1N1 Declared a Pandemic in 2009 by WHO Year 2017 2018 2019 2020 Cases Reported 38811 15266 28798 1469 Death 2270 1128 1218 28 (Till March 1) Dengue Virus - DENV Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 (Till Nov) Cases Reported 129166 188401 101192 136422 Death 245 325 172 132 Discovery Human coronaviruses were first discovered in the late 1960s. The earliest ones discovered were an infectious bronchitis virus in chickens and two in human patients with the common cold (later named human coronavirus 229E and human coronavirus OC43). Other members of this fami