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How to raise happy, healthy kids: Simple habits that will shape your child's well-being for life

Credits: Vaamanaa Sethi

When it comes to raising a healthy child, parents have the biggest impact. Kids often learn by watching the adults around them, so if parents practice healthy habits, children are more likely to follow suit. This includes things like eating balanced meals, being active, managing stress, and maintaining good hygiene. The habits children form at a young age help set the foundation for their health and well-being as they grow into adults.

It’s not enough to just tell children what they should do, showing them through actions makes a bigger difference, says Dr Shreya Dubey, Consultant- Paediatrics & Neonatolog. "Children learn more from what you do than what you say. The best way to encourage healthy habits is to model them yourself. From nutrition and hygiene to emotional well-being and physical activity,”

Children imitate what they see: Kids don’t just listen to what you say; they watch what you do. If you want them to eat healthy, exercise, and manage stress well. “Children naturally copy adults. If they see you enjoying a nutritious meal, staying active, and handling stress positively, they’re more likely to adopt those habits," and, “Make family meals a time for enjoying fresh, homemade food, and involve kids in grocery shopping and meal prep. Similarly, make physical activity a shared experience, whether it’s an evening walk, yoga, or a weekend sports session."

Teach good hygiene habits early: Hygiene habits are the simplest yet most effective way to prevent infections and maintain good health. It is suggested making hygiene fun by singing songs while washing hands, letting kids choose their toothbrush and toothpaste, and ensuring daily baths. “These habits help maintain cleanliness and build self-confidence. Good hygiene not only prevents illnesses but also boosts self-confidence as children grow,".

Fuel their bodies with a well-balanced diet: Nutrition is essential for a child’s growth, brain development, and immune function. “A balanced diet should include fruits and vegetables for vitamins and minerals, whole grains like oats and brown rice, proteins such as lentils, dairy, and nuts, and healthy fats from sources like nuts, seeds, and avocados,” it is suggested avoiding processed snacks high in sugar and preservatives, and instead, opt for healthy eating fun by preparing whole, natural foods together, like cutting fruits into fun shapes or making colorful smoothie bowls.

Nurture emotional health and mindfulness: A child’s emotional well-being is just as important as their physical health. It is suggested helping children recognise, express, and manage their emotions by encouraging open conversations about their feelings, teaching mindfulness and deep breathing for stress relief, and providing a safe, supportive environment where they feel heard and understood. "Children who grow up in emotionally supportive environments develop better coping skills and mental resilience,".

Simple activities like journaling, storytelling, and positive affirmations can also make a significant impact on their emotional growth.

Ensure proper sleep hygiene: Lack of sleep can significantly affect a child’s mood, memory, and immune system. Establishing a consistent bedtime routine is important for helping children wind down and get quality rest. “Limiting screen time at least an hour before bed helps avoid the overstimulation that can interfere with sleep. Additionally, creating a calm and peaceful environment—by dimming the lights, reducing noise, and introducing bedtime stories—promotes relaxation. Children between 3-12 years need at least 9-12 hours of quality sleep every night for optimal growth and brain development,".

Limit screen time and encourage real-world interactions: Excessive screen time is linked to a range of issues such as obesity, poor posture, and sleep disturbances. Instead of relying on passive screen entertainment, it’s important to encourage engaging, real-world activities. “Opt for interactive play, such as puzzles, board games, or arts and crafts, which help develop critical thinking and creativity. Promoting outdoor activities like sports or nature walks also reduces screen dependence. Technology is a part of modern life, but it’s crucial to maintain a healthy balance between screen time and real-life social engagement,".

Build social skills and kindness: Children's social health is just as vital as their physical well-being. Teaching respect, communication, and kindness helps children develop strong interpersonal relationships. Encourage gratitude by having children list three things they’re thankful for each day. "Social skills and kindness don’t just help children build relationships, they also develop empathy and emotional intelligence, which are essential for success in life,".

Make daily physical activity a habit: Encourage fun activities like outdoor games, cycling, or dancing to make exercise enjoyable. Family workout sessions can strengthen both fitness and family bonds. Simple activities such as walking, skipping, or stretching can also prevent a sedentary lifestyle. "Encouraging daily movement in childhood leads to long-term fitness habits, reducing the risk of lifestyle diseases later in life,".

Disclaimer: This article, including health and fitness advice, only provides generic information. Don’t treat it as a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist for specific health diagnosis.


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