Note : when i say "WE" it means the youth of this country.
As long as we talk about imagination it will be always be in our imagination.the way we imagine things our next generation will be doing the same and their next generation likewise.
Sounds like a joke.Hahaha but that's true.
Let me give you some facts about it. As per the studies in genetic Engineering everything we do that is all get coded in our genes and we pass on to the next generation in which 50% of our daughter/son habits will influenced by us and i hope that's a considerable figure.
For example: If you smoke then your S/D will definitely do that.
Similarly if you drink or you're a liar or a thief or you manipulate then your S/D will definitely do that.
Please correct me if i am wrong somewhere.
Now if I talk about exception then out of thousand this truth is not true with only one person. So,that's very easy to realize what and how we effect the future.
Now Side effects of Smoking : Cancer we all know ,Tuberculosis, demotivation, lack of concentration ,Marital life is effected,Impotency ,Effect on growth of your carrier. Last but not the least "What will happen to our beloved father and Mother when they will hear about you diseased.
A very big amount of money that our father/mother has collected in 20-30 years of savings after cutting down there expenses for our education and well being will be gone in one day(which is result of slow poison that we inhale)and even then they will not be able to save us.
Choice is yours. where and how you expect your life to be is in your hands.
As long as we talk about imagination it will be always be in our imagination.the way we imagine things our next generation will be doing the same and their next generation likewise.
Sounds like a joke.Hahaha but that's true.
Let me give you some facts about it. As per the studies in genetic Engineering everything we do that is all get coded in our genes and we pass on to the next generation in which 50% of our daughter/son habits will influenced by us and i hope that's a considerable figure.
For example: If you smoke then your S/D will definitely do that.
Similarly if you drink or you're a liar or a thief or you manipulate then your S/D will definitely do that.
Please correct me if i am wrong somewhere.
Now if I talk about exception then out of thousand this truth is not true with only one person. So,that's very easy to realize what and how we effect the future.
Now Side effects of Smoking : Cancer we all know ,Tuberculosis, demotivation, lack of concentration ,Marital life is effected,Impotency ,Effect on growth of your carrier. Last but not the least "What will happen to our beloved father and Mother when they will hear about you diseased.
A very big amount of money that our father/mother has collected in 20-30 years of savings after cutting down there expenses for our education and well being will be gone in one day(which is result of slow poison that we inhale)and even then they will not be able to save us.
Choice is yours. where and how you expect your life to be is in your hands.
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