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Key to loose weight without side effect

Hi Readers,

I have read and watch many blogs and videos. Also used many products available in visual media and promotional website who say you can loose weight in days and they focus on sweat i.e. the more you sweat the more you loose weight.

They are all bogus blogs/videos/products.

Key to loose weight is high metabolism and reduction in intake of calories.

Many of us have put on a lot of weight in recent years and that is due majorly our laziness, high calorie intake, less physical work, high intake of hard drinks like Whisky, Rum, Vodka, etc.

what not to do?
1. Avoid Rice, fried food, Alcohol.
2. Do not ignore ideal time of eating.
3. Do not sleep less than Six hours and that on time.
4. Do not smoke empty stomach.

What to do?
1. Include Wheat product in your diet.

2. Take good breakfast and likewise lunch should be light and in dinner eat salad/non citric fruits.

3. To increase metabolism drink a hot cup of black coffee without sugar twice a day. it is easy, inexpensive and reachable.

4. Sleep at maximum 10 PM and wake up in between 4-5 AM.

5. Walk at least 10000 steps in a day. if you are walking less then reduce your food intake. when you feel hungry even after taking your reduced diet then drink water every time you feel hungry.

6. Do not eat and sleep at odd timing.

7. If you want to have drinks then always go for beer.

8. If you have been planning to join a gym from long and every day when you wake up and plan but could not able to make it then avoid this laziness and join immediately.

9. Most important is if you take care of the time to do everything and reduce your diet according to your work nature then rest everything will follow you.

10. Dine before 9 PM and eat only boiled/Raw Vegetable or a glass of milk or non citric fruits.

11. Last but not the least take it seriously as every day and every moment you will get a lot of reason to avoid/ignore/postpone your plan for yourself but this is all for you. first respect your commitments to yourself, act as you planned, learn to say no, tell everyone about your plan for yourself and i am sure no one will ask you to ignore it. if someone ask you that then he is not thinking of your well being.

Self control is the key to achieve everything we plan and if we are not doing it then no one either it is machine or product or food or even god cannot bring a positive change in our life.

For queries you can right me on


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