Credits : Vaamanaa Sethi When it comes to raising a healthy child, parents have the biggest impact. Kids often learn by watching the adults around them, so if parents practice healthy habits, children are more likely to follow suit. This includes things like eating balanced meals, being active, managing stress, and maintaining good hygiene. The habits children form at a young age help set the foundation for their health and well-being as they grow into adults. It’s not enough to just tell children what they should do, showing them through actions makes a bigger difference, says Dr Shreya Dubey, Consultant- Paediatrics & Neonatolog . "Children learn more from what you do than what you say. The best way to encourage healthy habits is to model them yourself. From nutrition and hygiene to emotional well-being and physical activity,” Children imitate what they see : Kids don’t just listen to what you say; they watch what you do. If you want them to eat healthy, exercise...
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