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A Day that taught some extra

 All my life till date, I have been trying to keep myself motivated that no matter how much time it takes but someday will surely come when my people will love me the way i am i.e. with all my pros and cons.

There is nothing much i have in terms of cons i.e. just that i am short tempered on things and mistakes that my people repeat over and over again which is something they should do as the part of self improvement and self health precaution and i have always raised the concern to them but no positive signs to understanding.

This is the same with a person who lives with me and i love her and i know it. Despite many hurdles, self pity, bluffs and misunderstandings, i never gave importance to my feelings, aptitude, emotions and pain. Always tried understanding the scenarios, thought of everyone around me.

I made myself available for everyone very easily basis the humanitarian ground but today once again i realized and felt it again that there is no humanitarian ground. 

If you give respect to a person more that you give to yourself then later or sooner people will think that you are a fool despite all the knowledge you have, all the efforts you have made to understand them.

When this happens tears come in eyes like flood but " self motivation" is what kept us going.

Generally people don't bother about people who think about humanitarian prospective but i know it within me that we are running the show. the world is running despite all cons because their are millions of selfless people who are being the part of many selfish people and no matter what happens but Happiness indeed true happiness is with us.

What the day taught me today is...

We all know that expectations (even the smallest one) are source of pain. Sometimes knowingly and sometimes unknowingly we give birth to expectations. There is a need of self composition, self esteem and self respect. along with it we need to think that no one in this world has the power to make us angry only i can do but i will never want to. 

Adopt a different way which is self composed to say anything to anyone about everything comes in between.


  1. We tried to get pregnant for a few years in a local clinic. There were no results. We've tried everything possible but nothing. We were recommended to use eggs. I know we have to go abroad. I was terrified. I didn't know where to go and where to begin my search. When my friend recommended Dr Itua to me from western Africa I thought she was joking. I knew nothing about that country but I know they have powerful gifts on herbal medicines and I was afraid because of the language barrier. Anyway, she convinced me to give it a try. She told me that Dr Itua can also cure my prostate cancer which gives me more motivation to give a try to Dr Itua herbal center medicines. I've done the research and thought that maybe this really is a good idea. Dr Itua has reasonable prices. I ordered two four bottles and I drank it as instructed and everything went well. My prostate cancer is gone. Also it has high rates of successful treatments. Plus it uses natural herbs. Well I should say I was convinced. We contacted Dr Itua and now we can say it was the best decision in our lives. We were trying for so long to have a child and suddenly it all looked so simple. Dr Itua was so confident and hopeful he projected those feelings on me too. I am so happy to be a mother and eternally thankful to Dr Itua herbal Cure . Don’t be afraid and just do it!
    Dr Itua can cure the following diseases: Sickle Cell,Hiv,Herpes,Shingles, Hepatitis B,Liver Inflammatory,Diabetes,Fibroid,Parkinson's,Alzheimer’s disease,Bechet’s disease,Crohn’s disease,Lupus,Hpv,Weak Erection,Infertility,fibromyalgia,Chronic Diarrhea,Get Your Ex Back,Als,SYPHILIS,Cancer,Autism,Genetic disease,Epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, Doctor Itua Contact Email: Or Whats-App Chat : +2348149277967


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