We take birth as raw as it can be i.e., no emotional definitions, no knowlegde about the world, no attachment, no expectations, no dreams, no sense of achievement, no understanding of people, no self consciousness, etc, and so on.
Since day one, a human starts to learn rapidly and definining each object and feelings in our own sense.
Over the period, humans go into institutions to learn or acquire education on everything in this world and aticates to behave in social and personal environment.
And a day comes at different ages, where a sense of speaking and experssing starts, this day marks an understanding about everything we did not had at birth.
Focus is simply an exercise to be able to shift all our energies and consciousness to one thing at a time that we need the most to survive this life.
So, Focus is when do not overthink.
A simple exercise to focus is writing
1. What is the problems?
2. What are the facts, What is reality?
3. What are the probable solutions?
4. What is the best solution that is under your control?
I am sure if you have answer to above four in writing then you will have only one solution which is result of focus.
With time your mind will adapt an automatic process of questioning.
So, Focus can be simply defined as to think simple.
So, there is one common rule for everyone. We may have different problems, issues, phases, scenarios and situation but if you have focus then everything is in your hand to make uou Happy.
Remember, that most our life can be made simple by just "Yes" or "No" and There is no third answer as "May Be".
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